Forma 2022


Forma 2022: The Church for Today and Tomorrow

Join us for a virtual gathering
January 18-20, 2022

Early Bird Registration (September 13-October 17) – $120
Individual Registration (beginning October 18) – $130
Discounted Group Registrations Available through Institutional Packages – $1,500 to $3,000

If you are attending as part of a diocese or institution registration, follow links for individual registrations above and have your discount access code ready.

Forma Conference 2022 is an opportunity for Forma to encourage and develop Christian educators, inside and outside the Episcopal tradition, to grow in how they educate and minister. This year, our theme is “The Church for Today and Tomorrow.” During our time together, we have chosen to dive into five aspects of our lives in ministry that we believe are integral for our understanding of the Church for today and tomorrow. We will look at formation as it relates to Social Justice, Intergenerational Ministry, the idea of Letting Go, Hybridization, and Re-Imagining Sabbath. We hope to continue to share our vision for this conference as we secure speakers and workshops. The Church offers so much for the world today and we are shaping what she offers for tomorrow as well. Come learn and vision with us at Forma 2022.

Social Justice – over the last few years we have started to shed a light on the deeply rooted inequalities and experiences that keep us from fully celebrating the diversity of our Forma community. We will discuss creative ways of engaging social justice issues that engage healing, reconciliation, and fullness in the Body of Christ.

Intergenerational Ministry – as the church changes we have seen more demand for true intergenerational experiences that encourage all people in their Baptismal faith. We will explore ideas for this key feature of Christian community both in practice and paradigms of intergenerational ministry.

Letting Go – as we begin to emerge from the last two years of ‘doing ministry differently’ – what do we keep, what do we let go and how do we determine which is which? Our conversations will reflect on both personal practices and ministry.

Hybridization – technology has changed the way we interact with our communities of faith and the way we do ministry. Hybridization, however, remains difficult to pull off in effective ways. We will discuss avenues and opportunities for building thriving hybrid opportunities for our congregations and those that go beyond the walls of the church.

Re-Imagining Sabbath – there is a lot of focus in popular culture on self-care, yet for many in ministry, the concept of Sabbath has disappeared over the last two years. We want to engage in conversations centered on re-discovering Sabbath in our lives and what that looks like for the future of our lives in ministry.

Keynote Speaker

The Rev. Isaiah “Shaneequa” Brokenleg will deliver the keynote address at the conference.


Isaiah (aka Shaneequa) is an enrolled member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe (Sicangu Nation) and grew up in South Dakota. From a cultural perspective, she believes we are all related and, as such, we are all called to be “good relatives” to one another. As a winktè, Shaneequa believes that she is called to be a healer and move communities in the direction of positive change. From an academic perspective, she has a Masters of Public Health degree from the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health as well as a Masters of Divinity degree from Church Divinity School of the Pacific. Shaneequa is the Staff Officer for Racial Reconciliation at the Episcopal Church. She is passionate about social justice, and working to end the structural oppression/violence that hurts us all.

Conference Chaplain

Lilly Lewin will serve as our Conference Chaplain. See below for a message from Lilly as well as her bio.


I am excited to be the Lay Chaplain for the Forma 22 gathering this year. I will be leading some creative worship times during the conference to help us process and prepare for the day and year ahead. As Chaplain, I will be available to meet with you one on one for prayer or encouragement or if you just want to talk about how it’s going or how you are doing. I’m also available to chat about creative worship ideas for both on line and in person gatherings. Just send me a text and we can set up a FaceTime, zoom or phone call. My cell is 513-382-8484 and I’m in Nashville on central time. My email address is [email protected]

Lilly is a worship curator, speaker, author, artist, and founder of thinplaceNASHVILLE house church community, and She creates sacred space prayer experiences and leads workshops & retreats across the country and beyond. Her passion is to help people of all ages engage God using all their senses and bring art & artists back to church. And thanks to the pandemic, has helped churches discover how to worship digitally. For over ten years she curated the Sanctuary Space and Soul Care team for the National Youth Worker’s Convention (Youth Specialties) Lilly and her husband Rob live in Nashville, TN where she’s on the lookout for good coffee, dark chocolate & the best place to watch the sun set. She is a big fan of Instagram @lillylewin, writes a weekly blog post called freerangefriday at and creates resources for intergenerational worship at

Institutional Participants for Forma 2022:

  • Diocese of Arizona
  • Diocese of Atlanta
  • Diocese of California
  • Episcopal Church in Colorado
  • Episcopal Church in Connecticut
  • Diocese of East Tennessee
  • Diocese of Hawai’i
  • Diocese of Long Island
  • Episcopal Church in Minnesota
  • Diocese of Mississippi
  • Diocese of Missouri
  • Episcopal Church in New Hampshire
  • Diocese of North Carolina
  • Diocese of Oklahoma
  • Diocese of Olympia: Episcopal Church in Western Washington
  • Diocese of Oregon
  • Province III of the Episcopal Church
  • Diocese of The Rio Grande
  • Diocese of Southern Ohio
  • Diocese of Southern Virginia
  • Diocese of Texas
  • Diocese of Upper South Carolina
  • Diocese of Virginia
  • Diocese of Washington
  • Diocese of West Texas
  • Virginia Theological Seminary

We would like to thank the sponsors of the 2022 Forma conference:

  • Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
  • Church Divinity School of the Pacific
  • Church Publishing Inc.
  • Episcopal Evangelism Society
  • Episcopal Relief & Development
  • Forward Movement
  • GenOn Ministries
  • Godly Play
  • Illustrated Ministry
  • Living Compass
  • Way of Love

Note: Refunds will not be given for this event. We invite you to donate your ticket to our scholarship ticket pool if you are unable to participate.

Forma | A Ministry of Lifelong Learning is a community of…

  • Love and Care: We share God’s love and care for others by fostering connection, celebration, hospitality, and reconciliation.
  • Creativity and Wonder: We explore God’s creation with curiosity by encouraging openness, playfulness and stewardship.
  • Formation and Education: We equip the saints for ministry by forming Christian leaders who will shape the Church.
  • Integrity and Dignity: We act with authenticity and integrity by respecting the dignity of every human being.
  • Honor and Call: We discern and honor the gifts God has given each of us by listening and answering God’s call.

Forma 2022 – Workshops

Forma Conference 2022 is an opportunity for Forma to encourage and develop Christian educators, inside and outside the Episcopal tradition, to grow in how they educate and minister. This year, …

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Forma 2022: La Iglesia Para Hoy y Mañana

Forma 2022: La Iglesia Para Hoy y Mañana Únase a nosotros para una reunión virtual18-20 de Enero del 2022 Inscripción individual (a partir del 18 de Octubre) – $ 130Inscripciones …

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Forma 2022 Schedule

We are excited to announce the schedule for the Forma 2022 conference! Please note that all listed times are in Eastern Time. Tuesday, January 18 Wednesday, January 19 Thursday, January …

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