New Model Policies for Safeguarding God’s Children
What are Model Policies?
At the 2015 General Convention of the Episcopal Church, two resolutions were passed that deal with the Safeguarding policies and training within the Episcopal Church. Those resolutions are:
- 2015-A073 ( Update Model Policies for Protection of Children and Youth and
- 2015-A074 ( Update the Safe Church Training Materials
A Task Group was formed and has completed the updating of the Model Policies for the Protection of Children and Youth. The Task Group also wrote a Model Policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults. These Model Policies are grounded in Episcopal theology and baptismal promises to respect the dignity of every human being and dismantle unjust systems. They begin with a theological statement and include provisions for use of social media, mission trips, pilgrimages, camp and conference center programs, and other overnight events. They also include definitions that reflect our current understanding of gender identity and sexuality, including Cisgender, Gender Non-binary, LGBTQ+, and Transgender, as well as provisions to enhance the understanding, welcoming and safety of all gender identities and expressions. The Model Policies include enough detail to support those with limited experience to implement best practices.
The Task Group is working to get these Policies placed on websites throughout The Episcopal Church, and want to get them into the people’s hands as soon as possible. So we are grateful for FORMA for hosting them here.
Model Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth 2018
Model Policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults 2018
Should you have any questions about the Model Polices; the members of the Task Group have graciously offered to make themselves available for such assistance. The members of the Task Group and their contact information are as follows:
Judith Andrews: [email protected]
Cookie Cantwell: [email protected]
The Rev. Carol Flanagan: [email protected]
The Rev. Julia McCray-Goldsmith: [email protected]
Eric Travis: [email protected]
Robin Hammeal-Urban: [email protected]