#gc78 Formation Budget Update & Glossary

General Convention Budget Update Forma believes there is still significant confusion about the state of funding for the DFMS Formation and Vocation Office. In the following budget annotations, we attempt, from our perspective, to clear up some of that confusion and set realistic funding goals for supportive Deputies and Bishops.

Line 67 (moved): “Campus Ministry Grants” – Supports local campus ministry projects and leadership development.

Line 62: “Grant for Forma” – Supporting grassroots organization to continue certification programs, training events, resource sharing, etc. Forma has already raised ~$50K towards the hiring of an executive director in response to our sudden and significant growth. We are grateful for the support in this line item, but we can’t do the work we do without the support of a strong and complementary DFMS Formation & Vocation Office.

Line 65: “Episcopal Generations/Lifelong Formation” – The main program line of the Formation Office. Includes resource development, consultations, mentoring, training, network partnerships for new and existing initiatives (Episcopal and ecumenical) D365 Meditation, Lesson Plans that Work, Sermons that Work, and more. Proposed: 232,155 Current PB&F: 145,602 Goal: 232,155 (restoration to proposed budget levels)

Line 66: “Formation & Vocation Networks” – Convening costs for Lifelong, Youth, and Young Adult/Campus Ministries Networks. These gather regional representatives of diverse ministry contexts who, among others things, help staff officers design major events and the integrated, ongoing faith and leadership formation that surround them. Funds staff or invited representatives’ participation in partner organizational meetings. Proposed: 310,447 Current PB&F: 106,000 Goal: 310,447 (restoration to proposed budget levels)

Line 68: “Events & Gatherings” – Episcopal Youth Event and three Young Adult Gatherings. Full funding is $650,000 ($500,000 + 3 x $50,000). Without the work supported by Line 66, these events are likely to become a parody: isolated, episodic “mountaintop” experiences rather than intentional formation-rich events embedded in strategic, continuous lifelong formation Proposed: 359,000 (originally reported as full funding, which was incorrect) Current PB&F: 650,000 Goal: 650,000 (currently restored using money from lines 65 and 66)

Line 69: “Other Departmental Costs” – Mandated staff travel (3 people), supplies, etc. The Formation staff officers speak unpaid at Diocesan and Christian formation events and do extensive local training and consultation.

Line 70: “Staff Costs” – We simply note that this is one of only three staff cost cuts of the 25 staff lines in the budget, and the largest (see also lines 313d and 298).

Line 71: Restoring event funding without robbing other Formation Office lines would leave this line at 3,274,147. Proposed: 2,983,147 Current PB&F: 2,983,147 Goal: 3,274,147

Bottom line: Please realize that EYE and young adult event funding has been restored at the cost of the very program and network funding that these events flow from and support. We are currently short about $300,000.