From the Board President, June 2017
You may have seen the calendar on our new website: Forma.Church. It is great resource that tells our members and web visitors where they can find important Formation events across the Church. It also tells the story of where you can find Forma and its representatives. If you have an event you would like to share, please email us at [email protected]
Bill Campbell is just back from the Kanuga Formation Conference June 12 – 16 in Hendersonville, NC where Forma sponsored a social hour and expressed our support for the work everyone is doing there. Bill and I will be together at the Intergenerate Conference in Nashville, TN June 25-27 where we will gather with Formation practitioners from across denominations. We look forward to branching out beyond the Episcopal Church and Episcocsizing what we learn from our friends in other denominations!
July 10 – 14, many of us will be together for the Episcopal Youth Event in Edmund, OK. We are looking forward to hosting adult respite activities (chair massages anyone?) and Adult Education opportunities along with our colleagues at the Center for the Ministry of Teaching at VTS.
Beyond that, we are looking forward to seeing our own Certificate in Leadership in Lifelong Christian Formation gather at VTS August 7-11.
We look forward to seeing you out on the road this summer. If you have an event that you would like us to support, please send it along! Forma exist to support Faith Formation in every corner of our Church.