Forma sponsoring e-Formation Webinar Access

e-Formation plenary photo We want to let you know about a great upcoming training opportunity and how Forma is helping make it possible. As many of you know, Forma members Kyle Oliver, Randall Curtis, Lisa Kimball, and many others are involved in the leadership of the e-Formation Conference June 6-8 at Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria. e-Formation brings together faith formation ministers, communicators, and other leaders for inspiration and training about using technology in ministry. If you can’t make it to Alexandria but want to participate, a large selection of conference workshops will be available online as a real-time webinar. There will also be simultaneous interpretation into Spanish for in-person attendees and a Spanish-language evening program available online. Forma is sponsoring this year’s webinar, which will allow us to promote Forma membership, our certificate programs, the 2017 Conference, and our Jobs Corner to the online audience of the conference. Here’s what Forma member Christina Dorn had to say after e-Formation 2013:

Each workshop offered hands-on participation that culminated in a real-time digital learning experience and application with each session. Workshops were as varied as the content presented even though the end goal of each is the same: to share the Gospel of Christ. I have begun to use much of what I learned: I created a Pinterest page for Christian Formation Directors in our diocese, a Facebook page for my parish, a Twitter account, have begun to curate resources as well as establish a greater online presence in our community. The annual E-Formation Conference will benefit you in whatever capacity you find yourself serving in the church. So, come on in, the water is fine. You and your ministry will benefit as you take the plunge!

More information about e-Formation is available at You can register via Eventbrite (English) or Formstack (Spanish). e-Formation Webinar info card We look forward to seeing many of you there!