Do you know your Strengths?

by Jamie Martin-Currie – Little did I know that my road to the presidency of Forma began in January 2014 when I agreed to serve on the first working group charged to reorganize the Forma board. I was not sure what I had agreed to then, but as a ten-year member of this association which I credit for my ability to build the kingdom of God, I accepted. That working group spent a year researching non-profits, interviewing executive directors, writing working group descriptions and dreaming about the future of Forma. What a gift. It was during that year that I found myself practicing, developing and building on many of my strengths identified by author Tom Rath, in Strengthsfinders 2.0. Since I read the book in 2012, my five top strengths have been displayed on my office door in the form of a door hanger. Not a spiritual assessment per say, but aren’t all of our gifts and talents from God? At the Forma board orientation in January, the continuing and newly elected board members were asked to take the same Strengthsfinders test. We created a grid with everyone’s results and I am thrilled to report the current Forma board has a broad spectrum of strengths; some of us are strategic, some of us are learners, while others intellects, arrangers and achievers. Most of us have a unique strength to call our very own. The board will be using this grid to discern who will be facilitating the Forma working groups (Diversity, Membership, Certificate, Advocacy, Conference, Resources, Advancement and Communication). I can’t help but think back to 2014 when I said ‘yes’ to the initial working group. Here we are two years later, about to begin interviewing candidates to employ our first Executive Director. Over forty people applied for the position and the search committee is reviewing the submissions and narrowing down the candidates. Forma is asking the person who fills this position to possess a wide-ranging skill set, including management, financial, marketing, public relations and social media proficiency. I have faith that we will find the right person with the gifts needed for the job. The search committee – Lyle Smith Graybeal, Eduardo Rivera, Lee Dickson, Kyle Oliver and I – requests prayers from the membership in this time of examination and discernment. We also ask that you get involved in a working group. Look at the working group descriptions and consider what unique gifts, talents and experience you have to aid in the mission of Forma. Working groups will be selected and in place by May 4th. Working Group Descriptions and Application At our last board meeting Emily Given regrettably had to resign from the board due to work commitments. We are all abundantly grateful for the gifts that Emily has shared and especially for her work on this year’s conference. The board thanks all of you for your prayers for the continuing work of Forma. Email us anytime with your thoughts or questions at [email protected].