Sponsorship / Patrocinio
Forma is eager to partner with organizations, dioceses, and provinces to offer the best 2025 conference possible. Our priority is mutually beneficial partnership. Contact Sarah Bentley Allred, Coordinator of Forma Evangelism for more information.
Forma está ansiosa por asociarse con organizaciones, diócesis y provincias para ofrecer la mejor conferencia posible en 2025. Nuestra prioridad es una asociación mutuamente beneficiosa. Comuníquese con Sarah Bentley Allred, Coordinadora del Evangelismo de Forma para obtener más información.
The Forma Annual Conference is made possible through the support of our sponsors. Thank you!
La Conferencia Anual de Forma es posible gracias al apoyo de nuestros patrocinadores. ¡Gracias!
Diocesan sponsors are listed here with contact information.
Los patrocinadores diocesanos aparecen aquí con información de contacto.
Sponsors at the Forma Benefactor Level /
Patrocinadores a nivel de Benefactor de Forma
Department of Faith Formation, The Episcopal Church
Episcopal News Service
Episcopal Relief & Development
Office of Evangelism and The BIG Way of Love for Kids
Sponsors at the Forma Enthusiast Level /
Patrocinadores a nivel de Entusiastas de Forma
Office of Global Partnerships, The Episcopal Church
Sponsors at the Forma Patron Level /
Patrocinadores a nivel de Patrón de Forma
Church Publishing Incorporated
Diocese of Arizona
Diocese of North Carolina
Diocese of Southwest Florida
Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary
Office of Latino/Hispanic Ministries
SUMMA Theological Debate Society
Sponsors at the Forma Donor Level /
Patrocinadores a nivel de Donantes de Forma
Association of Anglican Musicians
Berkeley Divinity School at Yale
Chalice Press and InsideOut Camp Curriculum
Church Divinity School of the Pacific
Episcopal Camps & Conference Centers
Episcopal Divinity School
Episcopal Evangelism Society
Episcopal Parish Network
Forward Movement
GenOn Ministries
Living Compass
Spirit & Truth Publishing
The Historical Society of the Episcopal Church
The United Methodist Publishing House
Vibrant Church Communications
Sponsors at the Forma Friend Level /
Patrocinadores a nivel de Amigo de Forma
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Diocese of Central Gulf Coast
Diocese of Colorado
Diocese of East Carolina
Diocese of East Tennessee
Diocese of Michigan
Diocese of Mississippi
Diocese of Montana
Diocese of Olympia
Diocese of Southern Virginia
Diocese of Southwestern Virginia
Diocese of Texas
Diocese of the Great Lakes
Diocese of West Texas
Little Box of Good News™
Messy Church USA
StoryMakers NYC
The Godly Play Foundation