Confirmation Resources

I will, with God’s help – offers youth and adults a solid reflection on Episcopal heritage and belief together with the richness of Episcopal liturgy and prayers; adaptable for use from 6-12 weeks (Morehouse Education Resources)

My Faith, My Life: A Teen’s Guide to the Episcopal Church and My Faith My Life companion website – teenagers learn all about the Christian faith they’ve been baptized into, and the Episcopal Church that offers them a spiritual home (Morehouse Education Resources)

re:form – A way for teens to encounter, engage, respond using DVDs with 40 animated short films that allow kids to encounter concepts from the historic Christian faith; an Anti-Workbook for creative journaling.

Confirm Not Conform – CnC Episcopal is the original version of Confirm not Conform, developed by the clergy and Director of Family Ministries at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Oakland, CA. Originally published in 2007, and revised in 2012, Confirm not Conform Episcopal retains a strong Anglican ethos, deeply exploring Scripture, Tradition, and Reason.