Way of Love Resources
In the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic, we are now at another
one of those threshold moments when important and significant decisions
must be made on all levels of our global community for the good and the
well-being of the entire human family. In this moment, I would ask you
to allow me to share with you a Word to the Church: What Would Love Do?
During his sermon at the Opening Eucharist of the 79th General Convention on July 5, Presiding Bishop Curry formally invited the whole church to take up the Way of Love: Practices for a Jesus-Centered Life, as a Rule for the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement. The Presiding Bishop offered this rule as a way for us as a church together grow more deeply with Jesus Christ at the center of our lives, so we can bear witness to his way of love in and for the world.
The Way of Love was designed to be spare and spacious, so that individuals, ministry groups, congregations, and networks can flesh it out in unique ways and build a church-wide treasure trove of stories and resources. There is no specific order you need to follow. If you already keep a Rule or spiritual disciplines, you might reflect and discover how that path intersects with this one. By entering into reflection, discernment and commitment around the practices of Turn – Learn – Pray – Worship – Bless – Go – Rest.
Forma believes that The Way of Love is a wonderful way to encourage and practice formation in your congregations, community, and homes, and is excited to share the following resources:
The Way of Love – A post to share with your families from Building Faith.
Our partners at Church Publishing have created a vast collection of resources for every practice in The Way of Love. Find them by clicking here
Way of Love Insert
Looking for a way to print The Way of Love in an easy format to use as a bulletin insert or handout? Thanks to Heidi A. J. Carter you can! …
Way of Love Catcher – a resource
Want to share the Way of Love: Practices for a Jesus-Centered Life with your families and children? Download the Forma Way of Love resource: The Way of Love Catcher below! …
Back 2 School Resources for The Way of Love
This year, our church is adopting The Way of Love as our theme for formation and evangelism, which mean that our Backpack Tags needed to reflect this theme. Working with …