Formation JumpStart – New to Ministry Training and Mentoring

Calling a new Formation minister is an exciting and overwhelming time for a church. This is compounded when that person is brand new to Christian Formation.

Forma is excited to offer our vast resources to help churches working through this process. Our Certificate Faculty and Forma members who are well grounded in their ministry will work with new formation professionals to provide the training, theological concepts, and network support needed to thrive.

Currently, we offer a 3-month training program lead by Dr. Julie Lytle and Emily Kenniston. During the First three months, Julie and Emily meet once a week with the new hire. The focus is on identifying the unique features of the ministry environment and on practical matters of ministry. Each week you will cover topics designed to meet the individual needs of the new formation professional. Beyond the initial three months, the focus is on continued mentorship and connection to local ministry groups for support.

Forma is passionate about helping new Formation professionals. Anything we can do to ensure that children, youth, and adult formation ministers feel equipped, connected, and empowered is good for the Church.

For more information, please contact Bill Campbell.