Please support Forma’s campaign to increase our capacity and further our mission

Forma 2015 Conference Recently Forma has experienced amazing growth in size and influence:
  • Our membership has reached an all-time high of 450.
  • is an active hub for sharing ideas, finding resources and jobs, registering for events, and more.
  • The Forma Facebook group hosts more than 850 participants actively discussing their ministries and supporting each other.
  • We are a prominent voice in discussions concerning the Five Marks of Mission and how these are being realized in our common life.
  • Forma is included, for the first time, in an early draft of the Church-wide triennium budget.
To nurture and sustain this growth, the Forma board of directors recently resolved to raise funds to hire an executive director. This full-time staff person will facilitate the shared work of our membership and board to catalyze lifelong Christian formation in individuals, congregations, diocese, and the Church. Our preliminary goal is to raise $160,000 in support of this hire. This will fund a two-year budget, providing the board and new executive director sufficient time to plan and set goals, write a new ongoing annual budget, and refine a revenue model to support the organization moving forward. Over $30,000 has already been committed. The board of directors have all contributed, and many Forma members that attended the recent annual meeting in Houston, as well as several generous churches and diocese, are in support. Would you join us in furthering the work of Forma? If so, first, please make a generous two-year commitment, letting us know by surface mail or email or by giving online. And second, please renew your membership. While it is not likely we will become large enough to cover purely through dues an annual budget that includes full-time staff, memberships are nevertheless a vital part of Forma revenue and our best way to stay in touch with one another. To make a pledge to the campaign, please choose one of these options:
  • Surface mail: Download a response card and return it with your commitment information.
  • Email: Send the amount and timing of your commitment to Kyle Oliver.
  • Online: Give online either one-time or monthly. If you plan to repeat your one-time gift next year, please inform Kyle Oliver.
Exciting and meaningful days are ahead. Please join us in furthering the mission of Forma. In Christ, Randall Curtis, Jr. Kyle Matthew Oliver President, Board of Directors Chair, Advancement Working Group — Please note: Forma is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.