Falling Upward and the Master Teacher
It has been a little over two months since the 2013 Tapestry Conference and the chance to interact with Father Richard Rohr and Alicia Johnson and the teaching they offered us on the theme: “FALLING UPWARD: Lifelong Formation and Christian Maturity.” Some folks in attendance at the event found Father Rohr’s teaching hard to follow, something that perhaps Ms. Johnson was in part acknowledging by referring to Father Rohr as a “master teacher.” “A master teacher of what-in-the-world-what?,” some folks may have been thinking. As something of a window into Father Rohr’s and Ms. Johnson’s teaching and also as an attempt to explain what is meant by a master teacher (at least as I personally understand it), I offer a few quotes from Father Rohr during his talks and then some words of explanation. The below excerpts from his talks are all connected with Father Rohr’s writing in the book Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life, which is a guide for how we move from being first half of life to second half of life people, from less mature in our image of and devotion to God to more mature. From Father Rohr (these are not verbatim):
- “The first half of life is about being in control.”
- “In the first half of life a person fights the devil; in the second half of life s/he fights God.”
- “There are a lot of elderly people in America but not a lot of elders.”
- “There are four stages in Hindu life and culture: 1) student; 2) householder; 3) seeker; 4) holy person.”
- “Learn the law really well so you know how to break it properly.”
- “Most organized religion does the first half of life over and over and over again.”
- “We all create the mythologies we need to maintain our own personal salvation projects.”
- “God and grace are found at the depth of everything; evil is found on the surface. Superficiality is the sin of contemporary America.”
- “The experience of death is perfectly calibrated to reveal who we truly are.”
- “What if the Gospel is actually ‘win-win’ rather than ‘win-lose.’ A ‘win-lose’ gospel is bad news not good news.”
- “A fear of God and a fear of death are almost the same thing.”
- “Early stage religion is largely childhood conditioning.”
- “The first half of life requires forms; the second half is formless. If a person can’t laugh at the absurdity of forms and rituals then that is a bad sign.”
- “The second half of life is about giving up control.”
- “The second half of life has much to do with the development of a contemplative mind and way of being in the world. The contemplative mind blooms in a second half of life person.”
- “A person can live in the now only if one has a contemplative mind.”
- “98% of human thought is repetitive and useless—as such most thinking is obsessive. When a person obsesses certain parts of the brain continue to be used over and over again and other parts of the brain begin to die.”
- “If a person begins with ‘no’ it is impossible to get to ‘yes.’ The contemplative mind teaches us to begin with ‘yes.’”