Fall Faith Formation

As the autumn days grow shorter and darker two special occasions that are connected by tradition can be celebrated together as a church family. Halloween, or All Hallows’ Eve, is a time to remember that as Christians we have no reason to fear because of the love of Jesus. Our church family comes together to celebrate The Holy Boo-Eucharist followed by a parish supper and Trunk or Treat in the parking lot. This special Eucharist commences with singing “This Little Light of Mine” to greet God and remind us that the light of God is present in all of us. Halloween is full of dark and scary creatures and no matter how big or small we are fear is something we all face. We can ask God to help us on Halloween night and all nights to know that because of His love for us, we are never alone and never need to be afraid. God is our companion along the way. Our church uses Halloween to recall this as we laugh and play together with costumes, hot dogs and lots of candy in the church parking lot.

On All Saints’ Sunday we celebrate the Communion of Saints- past, present and future. On that Sunday our parish begins every service with a litany of loved ones that have died the previous year. In addition to the names being read families who have lost a loved one process small crosses that are “sacramental signs” of the loved ones that are named. The crosses represent the life of the loved one and are made a week before All Saints Sunday. Families still in the midst of grieving and healing meet together to adorn their crosses with small trinkets, art supplies and pictures to remember that special person. This simple ritual can surprisingly become a meaningful moment for many in the healing process.

This time of year calls to mind many human emotions- joy, excitement, fear, grief and loneliness. As a church family we can come together to celebrate the fun as well as support those who are remembering the saints who have gone before us. At the center of it all is God’s never ending love for us as we travel this journey together.

Jennifer Jones is the Director of Children’s Ministries at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Birmingham Alabama