Discerning the Future of Forma

FormaSquareLogoHello Forma members and friends, As was introduced at the 2014 Forma Conference and Annual Meeting in Alexandria, VA, the board of directors has established a Forma organizational development working group that is considering future directions for the work of Forma and how this can be accomplished. As part of this process, the working group, led by Andrew Kellner, is surveying various people and groups—Forma members and formation leaders, bishops, clergy, youth leaders, seminarians, and organizations and networks—to better understand how Forma can be helpful for our work of Christian formation. Links to these surveys are below. Would you:
  1. Complete the surveys that describe you. For instance, if you are a Forma member and a youth leader then you would complete two surveys.
  2. Forward these links to others and encourage them to complete the surveys. For instance, please email the bishops survey to your bishop direct; if there is a clergy listserv in your diocese please ask for the clergy survey link to be posted to it. To help you do this, also below I have some text that you can use to introduce the purpose of the surveys.
We hope to close out the survey period on June 15. Please email Andrew Kellner ([email protected]) with any questions. Thanks much!

Forma Board of Directors

Surveys (clicking on any survey will open new window to that survey)

Forma Member and Formation Leader’s Survey Bishop’s Survey Clergy’s Survey Youth Leader’s Survey Seminarian’s Survey Organization and Network Survey   Text Introducing Survey Purpose to others Forma is a grassroots association of 400+ members of The Episcopal Church and kindred individuals and institutions that supports, networks, advocates for, resources, and celebrates Christian formation leaders in their Christian formation ministries. Forma is presently surveying its membership, bishops, clergy, youth leaders, seminarians, organizations and networks, and many others to consider how it can be most helpful in the future. As a leader of The Episcopal Church, byJune 15, 2014, would you please take 5-7 minutes to complete this survey? The link is below. Thank you.